• Save money with our Rainwater Harvesting Systems

    Domestic rainwater harvesting tank

    “Why pay for expensive mains water when we can save you money with our rainwater harvesting tanks.”

    The “RainWater Catcher” harvesting system gathers and filters rainwater from roof surfaces to the underground storage tanks.

    Mains water is directed to the storage tank passing a fine vortex filter. All dirt and debris are washed to sewer or soakaway. The top layer regularly overflows ensuring that no floatable material sours the water. The pump intake floats suspended just below the water surface where the cleanest water lies.

    From this position the water is abstracted by the pump. A ball float suspends the intake valve, which has a further filter. Water is distributed to your draw off points through the pressure valve.
    During dry spells, if water in the tank drops below minimum levels, the system will top up automatically with mains water. The volume of the tank ensures this rarely occurs.

    Economic Benefits of our rainwater harvesting tank

    • Huge Savings can be made by minimising water usage.
    • Schools, clubs and small businesses are now being hit by ever increasing water bills. Even domestic dwellings are not safe. There is every possibility that in the future they too will face water charges.
    • By introducing our system, some commercial enterprises can reduce their water bill by 85%.
    • Domestic usage can be reduced by 50%.
    • There is a very rapid payback period. Let our engineer do the sums and advise you of the cost savings to be made.

    Environmental Benefits of our rainwater harvesting tank

    • The more we use rainwater, the less mains water is needed to be produced at Local Authority Waterworks. This reduces the energy requirement at the works and also reduces the need to extend works or build new ones
    • The use of rainfall runoff from roofs and paved areas prevents excess water entering already overloaded sewers and soakways during periods of heavy rainfall, reducing the risk of localised flooding.

    How does our rainwater harvesting system work?

    1. 1. Rain is gathered from the roofs and passes through a filter outside the underground storage tank.
    2. 2. The dirt particles and debris are separated from the water. The cleaned water flows to the tank. The dirt is washed to sewer to soak away.
    3. 3. The top layer regularly overflows ensuring that any floatable material does not sour the water.
    4. 4. Water is distributed to your draw off points through a pressure valve.
    5. 5. During dry spells, if water in the tank drops below minimum levels the system will top up automatically with mains water. The volume of the tank ensures this rarely occurs.

    * This system requires virtually no maintenance and can easily be fitted to your existing building infrastructure

    Uses of our rainwater harvesting

    Our Rainwater Harvesting Systems can be used for:

    • Industrial Washing & Cleaning
    • General Cleaning of paths & yards
    • Toilet flushing in schools & industrial buildings
    • Garden Watering
    • Washing machines

    Warranty Details

    • Our tanks are precast reinforced concrete with a warranty in excess of 30 years.

    “Over 50% of all water is wasted on uses that do not require drinking quality water, water for which you pay dearly.”

    Contact us for a quote today »